Three Key Points You Need To Know Before Purchasing Feeder Clamp For BTS
Author:sanyuan Time:2017-08-03 15:25:38
BTS installation has specific requirements for feeder clamps. Here are three key points to help you get the right feeder clamp you need.
Point One: Knowing to What Cable You Are Applying
It is critical to know what feeder cable you are going to apply feeder clamp, because feeder cable has many kinds, and not every feeder cable are used in BTS installation. The most common feeder cable is 7 8 rf feeder cable and 1 2 rf jumper cable, sometimes people also use 1 4 rf feeder cable to connect GPS. Thus for BTS installation, we can simply rule out any cable part size larger than 7 8. This should rule out 13 8 and 5 4 feeder clamp, any kind of leaky cable clamp, and any kind of hybrid feeder clamp.
Point Two: Knowing Where You Are Going to Apply the Clamp
Feeder cables are being laid out in different parts of BTS installation. Some feeder cables are fixed on cabling tray, some are fixed along the wall, and some are fixed on the steel tower. These different parts also require corresponding feeder clamps. For instance, on cabling tray, you should use universal feeder clamp, not any feeder clamp else; on the steel tower, you should use feeder clamp that has a hook, not a hose.
Point Three: Knowing What Your Feeder Clamp is Made of
For two same size, same type feeder clamps, their performance and application can be totally different, all because of the material they use. For example, the metal part can be made of either high quality 304 stainless steel or normal carbon steel. Their mechanical property may be similar, but the weatherproof ability varies greatly, and these feeder clamp price are different. You need to understand these materials' property in order to get the most suitable feeder clamp for BTS installation.
Need Feeder Clamps For BTS Installation?
Our Company (Sanyuan) is a professional BTS accessory manufacturer with long-standing expertise. We have a R&D team and are able to manufacture feeder clamp independently. Our 'Sanyuan' feeder clamp has been selling and adopted by telecom giants around the world. If you want to BUY or have any question concerning our feeder clamp, please contact us at [email protected]. Our technicians will try to answer you ASAP.